He who sees a crime and keeps quite is an accomplice!!!
The Ethiopian Government has the tendency of fearing upright persons and thinks all those who oppose corruption are politically
motivated. Time and time again it was tried to convince different Government officials that there are individuals who fight
corruption per se devoid of any political motive or affiliation to this or that political opposition groups. But, all the
effort along this line was of no avail. We later on discovered, whatever the magnitude may be, each and every government official
could be corrupt. We also discovered that the so called Anti Corruption Commission is a political instrument to send to jail
all those who even very remotely demonstrate the faintest dissent to the government.
Appeal to all Ethiopian Telecom Corporation Employees : send us info via Gce_etc@yahoo.com
Both ,Tamrat Layne and Siye Abraha were overtly corrupt and Meles himself in public confessed he knew well ahead of time
and did repeatedly advise Tamrat Layne before he landed him in jail. The same holds true with Siye Abraha. He was also overtly
corrupt with his over hundred Scania heavy truck and others, but nothing happened to him untill a political faction sprang
up after a long secret innuendo among themselves. The Government is as well known for sending to jail anyone who opposes corruption.
Many are set free after they languished in prison for years. All received NO compensation for being imprisoned for no good
cause whatsoever. We are forced to go underground for the Government is always out to defend corruption and corrupt officials.
So, we hereby appeal to all nationalist, upright and honest minded Ethiopians working at the ETC to send us all the information
currently available in their hands via our email address gce_etc@yahoo.com