Access to Information: Transparency
Access to information is the cornerstone to any anti-corruption and transparency effort, and is increasingly
recognized as a fundamental human right. Since 1999, The Carter Center has supported the establishment of an access to information
culture, beginning with a project in Jamaica that focused on ongoing legislative efforts to pass an access to information
law. The Center's current project models itself on the success of its work in Jamaica, including promoting participatory lawmaking
through informed debate and facilitating new partnerships between government and civil society. The project assists access
to information initiatives throughout the Western Hemisphere with particular emphasis on Jamaica, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.
The Need for Access to Information
Democracy depends on a knowledgeable citizenry whose access to
a range of information enables them to participate more fully in public life, help determine priorities for public spending,
receive equal access to justice, and to hold their public officials accountable. Inadequate public access to information allows
corruption to flourish, and back-room deals to determine spending in the interests of the few rather than many. Access, however,
must be balanced with protection of personal privacy and narrowly defined state interests.
Passage and implementation
of an access to information act has become a trend throughout the world, particularly in developing nations. More than 50
countries have passed such legislation in the last decade. International funding institutions are, likewise, recognizing the
importance of such legislation and in some cases, are including the ratification of such an act as a condition for funding
or debt relief.
In the Western Hemisphere, countries are at widely divergent
stages in their development of such legislation. For example, the U.S. Freedom of Information Act was signed into law in 1966
(with important reforms in the early 70s), and Canada provided citizens a right to access to information in most of its provinces
by the early 1980s. While many Latin American and Caribbean countries recognize a right to information within their constitutions,
they are only now beginning to pass legislation.
Passage of an access to information act, however, is only the
first step. Following the promulgation of legislation, governments must adequately implement and enforce the laws, otherwise,
it becomes simply a "check the box" exercise and does not increase citizen trust or government accountability. Thus, appropriate
emphasis must be given to the three phases of developing an access to information culture: passage, implementation, and enforcement.
The Carter Center's Access to Information Project
In partnership with government and civil society, the Center's
access to information project focuses not only on the passage of legislation but also encourages effective implementation,
enforcement, awareness, and use. Establishing a vibrant access to information culture is the responsibility of both government
and civil society. While governments must pass comprehensive legislation and implement the necessary procedures, civil society
also must play a leading role, such as by making information requests and pursuing appeals when requests are denied.
The Center's access to information project seeks to:
- consult and inform legislators and citizen groups during the
debate relating to content and drafting of the new law, based on the emerging international standards
- convene meetings of the relevant stakeholders to provide greater
legitimacy and acceptance of the lawmaking process and implementation efforts
- enhance government officials' capacity to implement the legislation
- promote and enhance civil society's ability to request information
and monitor government compliance
- advance effective enforcement of the law through increasing
civil society capacity to seek judicial redress and the judiciary's ability to respond, and
- work at the hemispheric level to share experiences and provide
additional support
Hemispheric Work
In addition to long-term engagements in Jamaica, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, The Carter Center supports access to information
initiatives in other parts of the region. In Peru, Center staff provided technical assistance to the Congressional Committee
charged with drafting the law. In Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico, and Belize, The Carter Center shared international experiences
related to passage and implementation of access to information laws. The Center also has advised civil society organizations
in Guatemala and Ecuador and provided input to missions of the Organization of American States, which culminated in the recent
General Assembly Declaration for Access to Information.
The Carter Center has made presentations at many international
conferences including Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina. Publications include Access to Information, A Key to Democracy (Acceso a la Información, La Llave para la Democracia) and articles related to the best standards and lessons learned in the passage, implementation, and usage phases of an access
to information law.
In 1998, Prime Minister Patterson requested The Carter Center
undertake a project in Jamaica, with the intent of transforming Jamaica into a model country for the Caribbean. The Center,
in consultation with the government, identified access to information as an important step toward transparency.
Passing the Act
The Carter Center supported the drafting of the Access to Information
Act and organized activities to involve a variety of stakeholders in this process. The Center cosponsored seminars to stimulate
debate among Jamaican parliamentarians, citizen groups, media, and the private sector and advised government officials and
citizen groups on how to fully utilize this tool. To inform the debate about the draft access to information law, the Center
commissioned papers from international and local experts and produced two guidebooks entitled "Combating Corruption in Jamaica"
and "Fostering Transparency and Preventing Corruption in Jamaica." Carter Center staff and consultants provided technical assistance to legislators tasked with drafting and revising the
law. In July 2002, the Access to Information Act was passed, and implementation began in January 2004.
The Carter Center has focused on supporting the Jamaican government's
implementation efforts. To increase awareness of the law, the Center's project has facilitated workshops for civil servants,
civil society organizations, religious groups, the media, and the private sector. Meetings with high-ranking officials have
served to outline priorities and obstacles and identify feasible solutions to ensure an effective Access to Information Act.
The Center's efforts related to implementation also include its presence on the Access to Information Act Stakeholders Committee
to provide technical assistance when requested. The Center also supports Jamaicans for Justice in their monitoring of the
Access to Information Act's use and government response.
A right is only as powerful as one's ability to enforce it. In
the event that a request for information is denied, the requestor has the option to appeal the decision. For this reason,
the Center, in collaboration with the Jamaican Bar Association and the Independent Jamaica Counsel for Human Rights, has facilitated
the creation of a Volunteer Attorneys Panel of law professionals willing to take test cases pro bono. The availability
of free representation will ensure access to courts for indigent persons and nonprofit civil society organizations. The Center
has also provided technical assistance to the Jamaican Access to Information Appeals Tribunal in its analysis of various enforcement
models and regulations.
Use of the Law
Without a vibrant constituency of users, the access to information
law could quickly atrophy. For that reason, the Center project works with local civil society organizations and relevant stakeholders
to raise awareness of the right to information and to encourage the law's use. Activities have included supporting the establishment
of a civil society network of users, assisting in the recognition of International Right to Know Day in Jamaica, and a workshop
on use of access to information in investigative journalism. Read Laura Neuman's "International Right to Know Day" speech, delivered Sept. 28, 2004, in Jamaica.
Field Presence
In March 2004, the Center opened a field office to provide programmatic continuity
during the implementation and enforcement phases. This office serves as an in-country resource to government and civil society
partners. (Return to top of page.)
A Time for
Access to Information
Bolivia is experiencing a unique time in its history, one in
which dialogue will be necessary for democracy to survive. Much of the unrest and violence that plagued Bolivia in 2003 has
been attributed to a lack of trust in politicians and a dearth of transparency in decision-making. Citizen insecurity increases
when the only information available is based on rumor or innuendo. For the success of future policy initiatives, Bolivian
citizens must be fully and accurately informed.
The Commitment to Access to Information
President Carlos Mesa has demonstrated a commitment to bringing
the right of access to information to the citizens of Bolivia. Since President Mesa took office in October 2003, he and Presidential
Anti-Corruption Delegate Guadalupe Cajias have worked with the Center to meet the shorter-term goal of disseminating information
and longer-term goal of establishing a comprehensive information culture. In addition, Congressional leaders have, likewise,
committed to placing access to information legislation at the top of their agenda.
The Carter Center is supporting the government of Bolivia in
its efforts to implement a voluntary openness strategy before the Transparency and Access to Information Law has been passed.
The government has adopted this strategy to create a platform for a formalized access to information regime. The Center has
provided technical assistance to and convened meetings with select pilot ministries that voluntarily will begin to open their
doors to citizens interested in government-held information. Through publishing information and responding to information
requests in a voluntary manner, these ministries will begin the process of transforming a culture of secrecy into a mindset
of transparency within public institutions.
Consensus for the Right to Information
The Carter Center is working with the government, Congress, and civil society
to support drafting and passing an Access to Information law that meets emerging international standards. The project manager
and consultants have traveled to Bolivia to provide expert advice to the government of Bolivia and civil society regarding
the international experience.
To strengthen the involvement of civil society in the decision-making
process, The Carter Center creates a forum for dialogue by convening meetings among the various stakeholders. Numerous meetings
with key stakeholders from civil society, the church, the media, and the private sector have yielded greater awareness and
interest in access to information. To help inform the debate, the Center commissioned papers that are being distributed as
a guidebook; and as Congress begins to debate the draft law, the Center will encourage public hearings.
Once the Law is Passed
Implementation of an access to information law is the most challenging
phase and requires commitment from all constituencies. Proper implementation may include appointment and training of information
officers, developing archives, publishing guides to where information is housed, and training the judiciary.
Once the law is passed in Bolivia, the Center will support the
government's efforts to implement it and civil society's efforts to make use of it. Some proposed activities include: offering
additional technical assistance to the responsible government agencies on issues such as information archiving, retrieval,
and publication; presenting models and ideas in the drafting of regulations; convening a workshop for civil servants and civil
society to identify obstacles to effective implementation and discuss potential solutions; supporting efforts to raise public
awareness of right to information; and providing training to local civil society groups on monitoring and evaluation of government
Field Presence
In May 2004, The Carter Center opened
a field office to provide programmatic continuity during the passage, implementation and enforcement phases. This office serves
as an in-country resource to government and civil society partners.
Read La Promocion de la Democracia a Traves del Acceso a la Informacion: Bolivia (PDF)
(Return to top of page.)
The Carter
Center has played a major role in strengthening democracy in Nicaragua since 1989 when the Center sent an election observation
team to monitor the presidential election. The 1989-90 election marked the first peaceful transfer of power between the governing
party and the opposition in Nicaragua's history. The Center has continued to work with the government of Nicaragua to help
improve the electoral process and has observed the presidential elections of 1996 and 2001, as well as municipal elections
in 2000. President Carter also helped mediate an agreement on property ownership in 1995, overcoming an impasse that resulted
from the nationalization of homes and farms by the Sandinista government.
The Center's Access to Information project in Nicaragua is beginning
with project staff and consultants conducting assessment missions and providing observations related to draft legislations.
Once under way, the project's work in Nicaragua will seek to include activities similar to those in Bolivia, such as a voluntary
openness strategy by select pilot ministries, consensus building among civil society and the government, and technical assistance
to legislators tasked with drafting the access to information law. President Bolaños' government is highly committed to implementing
an access to information regime, and civil society groups are focusing efforts on access to information projects, recognizing
that their organization's interests, whether human rights, democracy, environment or labor issues, are not being met due to
a lack of information.
Building relationships and fostering consensus among key stakeholders
is critical to the success of this work. A strong constituency that supports the right to access information is important.
To this end, project staff will work in collaboration with the government and political parties to generate political will
to promote the passage of legislation; support government agencies and civil servants in developing the mechanisms to implement
right to information laws; and, coordinate with civil society partners to join with the government in enforcing such legislation.
(Return to top of page.)
Beyond the Western Hemisphere
In June 2004, the access to information project extended its
work across the Atlantic Ocean by joining the Carter Center's Global Development Initiative's mission to Mali. The mission engaged government officials, civil society representatives, and the media in reviewing international
experience with access to information and appraising Mali's readiness to pursue an access to information regime of its own.
One result of this trip is a report presenting analyses and recommendations that will serve as a guide for the government
and other stakeholders in their access to information strategy.
For additional information about the Center's Access
to Information Project, contact Laura Neuman at lneuman@emory.edu. | |
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